Saturday, May 23, 2020

Healthcare Issues Related to Excess Utilization of Insurance-Based Systems and Tax-Financed Systems Free Essay Example, 3000 words

It is apparent that health care financing exclusively relies on revenue from governmental taxation. However, this form of financing has become unsustainable due to inevitable economic constrains, which is also marked by low or stagnant growth of the health care sector. Many low-income countries have third party financing covers, which cover only health care costs of a given or small part of the populace. For this reason, many governments have attempted to raise supplementary funds for the health care sector by introducing user charges (Sexton 2010). A good example of this concept is the 29 African countries that designed a national system of user fees. This is a cost-sharing scheme started by African ministers of health in 1987. This scheme focuses on inclusion of every member of a community in the participation of payment of something towards health care. The rationale for this system is to improve health services. With such deliberations, it is true to argue that low income countr ies have embraced the concept of user fee. However, a major concern has been how this concept affects developing countries. We will write a custom essay sample on Healthcare Issues Related to Excess Utilization of Insurance-Based Systems and Tax-Financed Systems or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In essence, user fee has two roles. Firstly, they generate revenue, which translates to self sustaining health programs (Nyman 2003). Nevertheless, the extent to which this can be realized depends on price elasticity and demand, and also largely on the transactions costs of collecting user fees. User fee also plays a role of rationing health services especially due to the fact that imposing a charge on services would tend to divert away potential patients who might not be able to pay or even those who chose not to pay. In fact, studies have documented that the imposition of user fee reduces the rates of health service visits. An example of this is a study of the effect of a price rise in health facilities, in Zaire where de Bethune and colleague noted a decrease in utilization after there was a sudden increase in prices. A similar observation was made by Waddington and Enyimayew (1990), whereby three years after use fees were introduced in Ghana, a substantial drop had not been reversed.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Equal Pay For Whites And Blacks Essay - 1333 Words

Many of these Americans have a set idea and mentality that blacks deserve less. As Borbely explained I would have to agree with him. I believe that in order for equal pay for both whites and blacks who have all worked the same should be treated equally. I have a good feeling that whites want to remain on top only so that they can have the power and self satisfying feel. That way they know that things go their way or no way at all. I want to believe that one day everyone will come to the realization that we are all the same and that it is just the shade of my skin that separates us. However, in reality whites will always feel that they have the upper hand for they are treated better and they are allowed to also get away with much more. From what I’ve seen in my experiences, whites are set up in life to succeed no matter what they do. If they fail, they will be seen as someone who’s tried hard but just needs a push. If they make a mistake then it’s okay because eve ryone makes mistakes. If they commit a crime, most times due to the corrupted system they are either let go or punished easily. As if it was to be a black person, then they will be treated harsher for they should know better; and are not allowed to make mistakes. It’s not okay for them to need assistance. Overall, society placed levels of tolerance and levels of expectations for everyone and for blacks it s been set at an all time low preventing them from at times attempting to prove otherwise. Although, Borbely,Show MoreRelatedAfrican American Soldiers During The Civil War902 Words   |  4 Pagesthe South who enlisted to fight. By 1865, the South allowed slaves to enlist, but very few actually did. During the Civil War, blacks were treated like trash compared to the white troops. White troops got better pay; to be exact they were paid three dollars and fifty cents more than black troops (Estell 2). Woodlin said African American Soldiers were being paid less than White Soldiers. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

You Don’t Know Jack An Analysis Free Essays

Euthanasia has been a debatable issue since one’s perception of this idea could depend on different factors such as religion, culture, and even personal life experiences. DRP. Jack Savoring witnessed how his mother suffered in agony with her disease, describing the pain as a toothache In all your bones. We will write a custom essay sample on You Don’t Know Jack: An Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Just Imagine how painful that is. At that time, he cannot do anything to alleviate the pain his mother is going through. He felt lost. That’s how he felt responsible in aiding those people who are terminally ill. For him, it’s not about killing someone. It’s understanding that Hess patients have gone through a lot, and listening to their wish to end the pain rather than continue living but you’re actually dying. Another point Is that he’s doing it free of charge. He used his own resources to â€Å"help† his patients. There is no personal gain to him, but it is rather an act of service. It may not be acceptable to many but he was doing It from the standpoint of a medical person, of a son who understood what It’s Like for someone to live fighting off a disease. II. â€Å"Oh, the lingering of death. What a business. Keep death alive. Hospitals don’t make money otherwise. Drug companies either. If you’re rich and you have the money, you can pay to die. But the poor, they can only afford to suck It out and suffer. † This quote from the movie truthfully states that the medical industry is also a business. Most people are in it to save lives or improve health. But there are others who see it as a moneymaking opportunity. To be honest, hospitals and drug companies don’t make money when no one Is sick. These businesses â€Å"keep death alive†. A patient may still be alive but only because he/she Is still In the process of fighting off death. But the reality is that this person is actually dying compared to cost of us (since all of us are in one way or another living and dying at the same time). Rich people can afford the operation, treatment, hospitalizing bills, and drugs so their way of dying bearable compared to those who can’t. Ill. â€Å"To each person, their own way of death – with dignity. † At this age, I now look at suicide as something sad and depressing. We now know for a fact that some people commit suicide because of psychological depression thinking that this Is the only way out. We feel sad for them, and think on how could the people around them possibly changed their decision. I remember years back when we hear of someone omitting suicide, one of the many things that pop out of our heads is the question â€Å"Why? ‘ Followed by a questioning thought If this person will still go to heaven because he/she lived a good life, or if he/she will go to hell because to be straight forward, it’s murder of one’s self. Euthanasia gives the patient liberty to decide for his/her own life. We can try, but the truth is, none of us can fully comprehend someone else’s thoughts. We will never understand how a person feels, or how much pain they’re going through so who are we to Judge? 1 OFF to use abundantly together with the freedom to decide on what to do it. It is human to choose pleasure, enjoyment, and happiness. But sometimes, life will not offer these choices. There will be pain, suffering and sadness. The movie mentioned a religious dogma that makes euthanasia unethical: â€Å"God almighty who wills us to suffer† This teaching goes against the objective of euthanasia to relive the patient pain and suffering making it morally wrong. On the contrary, God gave us the freedom to decide. It is in dying that we can union with him. The belief is that we should always let nature take it’s own course V. Crime vs.. Civil Rights: â€Å"When a law is deemed immoral by you, you must disobey it. Medicine and Law are two of the most influential and powerful disciplines in the world. It is studied to help serve humanity but sometimes they clash for their arguments come from diverse objectives. Civil rights is about personal liberty-? patients have the discretion to seek suicide assistance making euthanasia a result of one’s personal decision and freedom to decide for his life. But the law does not make it legal to kill someone even with the patient’s consent. Dying is always easier to comprehend and acceptable if it’s a natural death when no other human is held responsible. How to cite You Don’t Know Jack: An Analysis, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Prague Spring free essay sample

Dubbed tried to reassure Brethren that his changes wouldnt hearten the USSR and that Czechoslovakia wouldnt leave the Warsaw pact. Dubbed promised the people socialism with a human face, and launched a series Of reforms known as the Prague Spring. The reforms aimed to improve standard of living, allow for a greater freedom and democracy, and introduce trade with West Germany. Dubbed tried to reassure Brethren that his changes wouldnt threaten the USSR and that Czechoslovakia wouldnt leave the Warsaw Pact. Brethren was unconvinced.He was worried that Czechoslovakia, which had the strongest industry in the Soviet Bloc, would leave the Warsaw Pact allowing NATO to move in. The reforms, and increased contact with the West, might spread across the satellite states. The Soviet Bloc and the WAP might collapse, and the USSR would no longer have its buffer zone. The other Warsaw Pact countries also objected to the reforms. We will write a custom essay sample on The Prague Spring or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In August 1968, 500,000 troops from the WAP countries invaded Czechoslovakia. There was only a little violent protest. The Czech remembered what had happened to the rebels in Hungary in 1956.So the Czech responded to the invasion with sit ins, demos etc. However, Russian tanks were attacked with petrol bombs, and one student, Jan Palace, set himself on fire as a protest against Soviet occupation. A new leader replaced Dubbed, called Hausa. He reverted Czechoslovakia to strict communist rule. The invasion temporarily led to worsened East-West relations. It showed the West that the USSR would not permit reform or opposition in the satellite states, but the West werent prepared to intervene and so risk the outbreak of war.Besides, the USA was too busy in Vietnam. The invasion of Czechoslovakia led to the Brethren Doctrine. This stressed that a threat to one communist country was a threat to all, and force would be used wherever necessary to keep the satellite states firmly under Soviet intro. However, the Warsaw Pact did suffer. Romania refused to send troops to invade Czechoslovakia, and took an increasingly independent stance against the USSR. Albania did the same and left the WAP.The Soviet Union had shown by its crushing of the Hungarian in 1 956 that it would not permit any of its satellites to break free from communism or the Warsaw Pact. In 1 968, Czechoslovakia decided it would see how far it could go in becoming free from Soviet control. In 1968 the Czech Communist party chose Alexander Dubbed as the new leader in place of the Stalinist, Novelty. Dubbed was a communist but he wanted a freer, less repressive kind of communism. He called his policies Socialism with a human face. Daubers policies: * Allowing Czech to travel to the West * Ending press censorship so that non-communist papers could be published * The election of a new parliament in which communists would share power with non-communist parties * Freeing of political (anti- communist) prisoners The spring and summer of 1968 saw the Czech media criticizing the communist government and questioning the need for communism altogether. The Soviet Union could not ignore what was going on. Czechoslovakia had a border with the Soviet Union: it was in a key strategic position.Brethren told Dubbed to slow down the pace of change but to the Soviets it seemed Dubbed was losing control. On August 20, 1 968 Soviet tanks and troops, supported by troops from most other Warsaw Pact countries, invaded Czechoslovakia. Only Romania refused to help the invasion. The Czech realized that resistance was pointless. Dubbed was arrested but unlike Nagy in Hungary, was not executed. In January 1 969, a 21 -year-old Czech student, Jan papal, burnt himself to death in Presages main square as a protest and became a national hero.The crushing Of the Prague Spring did not seriously damage East-West relations. Czechoslovakia, like Hungary before it, belonged to the Soviet zone and could not be helped. Brethren developed the Soviet version of the Truman Doctrine. The Brethren Doctrine declared that: * Communist countries had the right to defend fellow communist states from western attempts to make them capita list. * Loyal communist states had to remain in the Warsaw Pact and * Maintain a one-party system with only the Communist Party allowed. * The Brethren Doctrine was a warning to other communist states. Poland would be the next to test it.